
About me

I am currently a maître de conférences (French permanent position) at Centrale Lille, and am working within the SIGMA group of the CRIStAL lab (Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille).

Short résumé

2016 : Research engineer at CRIStAL, working with Patrick Bas.

2016-2019 : Ph.D. student within the SC group of IRIT (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse), working under the supervision of Cédric Févotte.

2020-2022 : Postdoctoral researcher within the PML group of Aalto University, working under the supervision of Prof. Samuel Kaski.

2022-2023 : Temporary faculty position (in French, ATER) at ENSAI and CREST (Centre de recherche en économie et statistique).

Research interests

I am broadly interested in probabilistic machine learning and statistical learning. Below is a (non-exhaustive) list of more specific topics I have worked on:

  • Latent variable models, model-based approaches;
  • (Probabilistic) matrix factorization;
  • Bayesian modeling, computational statistics;
  • Active learning, Bayesian experimental design, Bayesian optimization;
  • Human-in-the-loop machine learning.

Community involvement

I have served as a reviewer for various international machine learning conferences, including AISTATS, ICML, and IJCAI. I have also served as a reviewer for the journals IEEE TSP, IEEE PAMI, and JMLR.